Our team can help citizens, corporations, or other entities with claims against state-owned companies, the management of local public services (water, energy, transports and telecommunications), as well as in case of expropriation matters. Our Public Tender team works with our administrative team to advise both companies and public administrations in connection with tender procedures and negotiations and execution of the relevant contracts. Inside a courtroom, we litigate cases before national administrative and accounting courts, and independent administrative authorities. Our team also provides advice to important governmental bodies and private firms mainly active in highly regulated markets and developing markets.
Administrative law commonly overlaps with public law governing the organization, means, and activities of the State, as well as the resulting relationships between the Public Administration and other persons. It applies when the State acts as a public authority with respect to public infrastructure, services, contractors, and related matters, including public offers, procurement and the relevant documentation.
Our administrative litigators regularly assist and represent clients before domestic administrative courts, including regional administrative courts (“TAR”) and the national administrative appellate court (“Consiglio di Stato”), Italian independent administrative authorities, including the Supervisory Authority for Public Contracts and the Anti-Trust Authority, as well as in arbitration proceedings and proceedings before the Italian appellate court public finances (“Corte dei Conti”), the EU Court of Justice and the EU Commission.