
Banking and Finance

Recent trends in global finance have forced financial institutions to adjust to continually changing economic, political and regulatory conditions. Our team pulls from a deep international pool of knowledge to help local and international banks, financial institution intermediaries, financial instrument issuers as well as underwriters, borrowers and guarantors keep up with the ever evolving regulatory scene. As national and international regulations grow, our team’s ability to create alternative financing structures and keep an observant eye out for legal updates becomes indispensable.

We also assist in all aspects of banking, financial and securities transactions, including loans, real estate financing, subordinated loans, subsidized loans, consumer credit, real and personal guarantees, shares, issuing bonds and other instruments, assignments of receivables, financial lease arrangements, restructuring and renegotiation of bad debts, currency, interest, credit default and equity swaps. Our broad expertise allows us to develop innovative solutions for those working closely with the financial industry like credit card and online payment service providers.

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